2x Your Lead Flow with

Done-For-You Cold Emails

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Want to see a REAL example?

Here's a seller replying to our cold email...

Here's what happened as a result...


Numbers that every Land Investor could only dream of…

Open Rate

Having a strong open rate indicates that emails are landing in the inbox.

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Reply Rate

Granted, many of the replies aren't positive, but a further indicator that we're landing in inbox.

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Avg Profit

Average from all of our deals that we've made from email marketing.

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Our services

What we can do for you...

We help you make a truckload of money through our cold email systems…
What else do you need to know? 
Well, if you must ask, here’s a peek behind the curtain.

Email Lists Cleaning

We clean and scrub all the email addresses provided to us by the land investor’s skiptraced list. 

  1. Remove inactive contacts
  2. Keep the email accounts healthy
  3. Improve deliverability
  4. Increase customer engagement

Account Setup

We set up and warm up all the domains, email addresses and campaigns

  1. Purchase new alias domains
  2. Purchase and create new Gsuite accounts
  3. Create new email accounts for every domain
  4. Warm up accounts to ensure maximum deliverability

Campaign Management

We handle the email campaigns from A-Z

  1. Copywriting for the email campaigns
  2. Matching name and custom fields to the emails
  3. Scheduling drip email follow ups
  4. Updating campaign tracker

Deliverability Management

Our #1 goal is to land on your potential seller’s inbox

  1. Deploying latest tactics to land in inbox
  2. Constant monitoring of deliverability
  3. Adjusting templates and domains as needed
  4. Provide reports of campaigns performance
Email Lists Cleaning

We clean and scrub all the email addresses provided to us by the land investor’s skiptraced list.

  • Remove inactive contacts
  • Keep the email accounts healthy
  • Improve deliverability
  • Increase customer engagement
Account Setup

We set up and warm up all the domains, email addresses and campaigns

  • Purchase new alias domains
  • Purchase and create new Gsuite accounts
  • Create new email accounts for every domain
  • Warm up accounts to ensure maximum deliverability
Campaign Management

We handle the email campaigns from A-Z

  • Copywriting for the email campaigns
  • Matching name and custom fields to the emails
  • Scheduling drip email follow ups
  • Updating campaign tracker
Deliverability Management

Our #1 goal is to land on your potential seller’s inbox

  • Deploying latest tactics to land in inbox
  • Constant monitoring of deliverability
  • Adjusting templates and domains as needed
  • Provide reports of campaigns performance

Our A-Z done for you cold email system...

We set it all up for you

We scrub your emails and get them ready for email marketing campaigns.

We then create and launch all the email accounts, domains and campaigns from start to finish.

We write battle-tested copy that CONVERTS

We will use our time-tested copy that has helped us convert seller leads into hundreds of thousands of profits

We monitor deliverability

We're constantly monitoring the deliverability of the emails, to ensure we're landing in the inbox.

How we stack up

Random Email Agency
Created by Land investors for Land Investors?
Keeps your email accounts and domains safe
Done-for-you turnkey from A-Z
Saves you time and headaches
Proven Script Specifically for Land Sellers
Manage deliverability 
Scrub negative responses
Case studies

Recent deals acquired through our cold email systems…

Case Study

The seller was a young woman who inherited a property from her grandparents. She never received the marketing mailers or SMS because the mailing address and phone number on file was outdated. She did receive our email, and after helping her solve the probate issue, we acquired and sold it.

Case Study

The sellers received our mailers and SMS, however, it wasn’t until they received our emails, that they responded and decided to sell.

Case Study

As the owner of a highly sought after parcel in a hot county, the seller ignored all forms of marketing that were being sent to him. Until he got an email from us, and after a quick exchange, we purchased and solf his lot.

Clients feedback

How email marketing transforms land businesses

"With the help of Land Emails we closed 2 DEALS within months of starting!!"

Mike P.
Blueground Ventures

"With land emails, we got to utilize those unused emails and generated deals with sellers that we would have never reached through our other marketing strategies"

Rylan L.
Coyote Land Holdings

"Meir turned me onto cold emails at the start of 2024 and it's been a game changer for us.
We've been able to generate dozens of warm leads per month from data that was already living inside our business. Could not have done it without Meir's guidance"

Izak H.
Land Pioneer

"It's crazy how many deals we're getting. Highly recommend."

M. N.
Garden Properties
Why choose us

Frequently asked questions

What problem are we solving in the land space?
How many leads can I expect a month?
Should I stop all other forms of marketing?
How involved will I need to be?
About Us

Experience is everything

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Hi there! I’m Meir. After closing a bunch of land deals through cold email marketing, and by popular demand, I’ve started landemails.com to help fellow land investors do the same! My goal is to ensure that our clients and fellow land investors are happy. We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, no questions asked. Go ahead and book a call with me to start getting leads through email marketing!

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Sumner stumbled into the wacky and wonderful world of land investing in 2019. What started as a quest to acquire rental properties accidentally turned into a business of flipping unloved plots of land. Since then Sumner has done over 600+ land flips, and along the way has helped hundreds of other land investors build their dream business. His current obsessions include living abroad, learning marital arts, and cracking the code email code for land investors.